Wednesday 27 February 2013

TCS New Pattern Placement paper 2013 (OpenSeesame)
As you already aware of the fact that TCS has changed the database of questions for its aptitude test.  The questions below give you an overview of the models to be prepared.  But don't depend on these models only.  We solved these questions only as an indicative purpose.  You are requested to go through all the arithmetic topics given in this site so that you become confident of sitting for TCS or any other written test.  All the best... The question below have been taken from

1.  If 3y + x > 2 and x + 2y$ \le $3, What can be said about the value of y?
A. y = -1
B. y >-1
C. y <-1
D. y = 1
Answer: B

Multiply the second equation with -1 then it will become - x - 2y$ \ge $ - 3.  Add the equations.  You will get y > -1.

2. If the price of an item is decreased by 10% and then increased by 10%, the net effect on the price of the item is
A. A decrease of 99%
B. No change
C. A decrease of 1%
D. An increase of 1%
Answer: C

If a certain number is increased by x% then decreased by x% or vice versa, the net change is always decrease.  This change is given by a simple formula $ - {\left( {\displaystyle\frac{x}{{10}}} \right)^2} =  - {\left( {\displaystyle\frac{{10}}{{10}}} \right)^2} =  - 1\% $.  Negitive sign indicates decrease.

3. If m is an odd integer and n an even integer, which of the following is definitely odd?
A. (2m+n)(m-n)
B. $(m + {n^2}) + (m - {n^2})$
C. ${m^2} + mn + {n^2}$
D. m +n
Answer: C and D (Original Answer given as D)

You just remember the following odd $ \pm $ odd = even; even $ \pm $ even = even; even $ \pm $ odd = odd
Also odd x odd = odd; even x even = even; even x odd = even.

4.  What is the sum of all even integers between 99 and 301?
A. 40000
B. 20000
C. 40400
D. 20200
Answer: D

The first even number after 99 is 100 and last even number below 301 is 300.  We have to find the sum of even numbers from 100 to 300.  i.e., 100 + 102 + 104 + ............... 300.
Take 2 Common.  2 x ( 50 + 51 + ...........150)
There are total 101 terms in this series.  So formula for the sum of n terms when first term and last term is known is $\displaystyle\frac{{\rm{n}}}{{\rm{2}}}\left( {{\rm{a + l}}} \right)$
So 50 + 51 + ...........150 = $\displaystyle\frac{{101}}{{\rm{2}}}\left( {{\rm{50 + 150}}} \right)$
So 2 x $\frac{{101}}{{\rm{2}}}\left( {{\rm{50 + 150}}} \right)$ = 20200

5. There are 20 balls which are red, blue or green.  If 7 balls are green and the sum of red balls and green balls is less than 13, at most how many red balls are there?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
Answer: B

Given R + B + G = 17; G = 7; and R + G < 13.  Substituting G = 7 in the last equation, We get R < 6.  So maximum value of R = 6

6.  If n is the sum of two consecutive odd integers and less than 100, what is greatest possibility of n?
A. 98
B. 94
C. 96
D. 99
Answer : C

We take two odd numbers as (2n + 1) and (2n - 1).
Their sum should be less than 100. So (2n + 1) + (2n - 1) < 100 $ \Rightarrow $ 4n < 100.
The largest 4 multiple which is less than 100 is 96

7. ${x^2}$ < 1/100, and x < 0 what is the highest range in which x can lie?
A. -1/10 < x < 0
B. -1 < x < 0
C. -1/10 < x < 1/10
D. -1/10 < x
Answer: A

(x - a)(x - b) < 0 then value of x lies in between a and b.
(x - a)(x - b) > 0 then value of x does not lie inbetween a and b. or ( $ - \infty $, a) and (b, $ - \infty $) if a < b
${x^2}$ < 1/100 $ \Rightarrow $
$({x^2} - 1/100) < 0 \Rightarrow ({x^2} - {(1/10)^2}) < 0 \Rightarrow (x - 1/10)(x + 1/10) < 0$
So x should lie inbetween - 1/10 and 1/10.  But it was given that x is -ve. So x lies in -1/10 to 0

8.  There are 4 boxes colored red, yellow, green and blue.  If 2 boxes are selected, how many combinations are there for at least one green box or one red box to be selected?
A. 1
B . 6
C. 9
D. 5
Answer: 5

Total ways of selecting two boxes out of 4 is $4{C_2}$ = 6.  Now, the number of ways of selecting two boxes where none of the green or red box included is only 1 way.  (we select yellow and blue in only one way).  If we substract this number from total ways we get 5 ways.

9. All faces of a cube with an eight - meter edge are painted red.  If the cube is cut into smaller cubes with a two - meter edge, how many of the two meter cubes have paint on exactly one face?
A. 24
B. 36
C. 60
D. 48
Answer : A

If there are n cubes lie on an edge, then total number of cubes with one side painting is given by $6 \times {\left( {n - 2} \right)^2}$.  Here side of the bigger cube is 8, and small cube is 2.  So there are 4 cubes lie on an edge. Hence answer = 24

10. Two cyclists begin training on an oval racecourse at the same time.  The professional cyclist completes each lap in 4 minutes; the novice takes 6 minutes to complete each lap.  How many minutes after the start will both cyclists pass at exactly the same spot where they began to cycle?
A. 10
B. 8
C. 14
D. 12
Answer: D

The faster cyclyst comes to the starting point for every 4 min so his times are 4, 8, 12, .........  The slower cyclist comes to the starting point for every 6 min so his times are 6, 12, 18, .........  So both comes at the end of the 12th min.

11. M, N, O and P are all different individuals; M is the daughter of N; N is the son of O; O is the father of P; Among the following statements, which one is true?
A. M is the daughter of P
B. If B is the daughter of N, then M and B are sisters
C. If C is the granddaughter of O, then C and M are sisters
D. P and N are bothers. 
Answer: B

From the diagram it is clear that If B is the daughter of N, then M and B are sisters.  Rectangle indicates Male, and Oval indicates Female.

12. In the adjoining diagram, ABCD and EFGH are squres of side 1 unit such that they intersect in a square of diagonal length (CE) = 1/2.  The total area covered by the squares is

A. Cannot be found from the information
B. 1 1/2
C. 1 7/8
D. None of these
Answer:  C

Let CG = x then using pythogerous theorem ${\rm{C}}{{\rm{G}}^{\rm{2}}}{\rm{ + G}}{{\rm{E}}^{\rm{2}}}{\rm{ = C}}{{\rm{E}}^{\rm{2}}}$
$ \Rightarrow $  ${x^2} + {x^2} = {(1/2)^2} \Rightarrow 2{x^2} = 1/4 \Rightarrow {x^2} = 1/8$
Total area covered by two bigger squares = ABCD + EFGE - Area of small square = 2 - 1/8 = 15/8

13. There are 10 stepping stones numbered 1 to 10 as shown at the side.  A fly jumps from the first stone as follows; Every minute it jumps to the 4th stone from where it started - that is from 1st it would go to 5th and from 5th it would go to 9th and from 9th it would go to 3rd etc.  Where would the fly be at the 60th minute if it starts at 1?
A. 1
B. 5
C. 4
D. 9

Answer : A

Assume these steps are in circular fashion.
Then the fly jumps are denoted in the diagram.  It is clear that fly came to the 1st position after 5th minute.  So again it will be at 1st position after 10th 15th .....60th. min.

So the fly will be at 1st stone after 60th min.

14. What is the remainder when ${{\rm{6}}^{{\rm{17}}}}{\rm{ + 1}}{{\rm{17}}^{\rm{6}}}$  is divided by 7?
A. 1
B. 6
C. 0
D. 3
Answer: C

${{\rm{6}}^{{\rm{17}}}}$ = ${{\rm{(7 - 1)}}^{{\rm{17}}}}$ =
${\rm{17}}{{\rm{C}}_{\rm{0}}}{\rm{.}}{{\rm{7}}^{{\rm{17}}}}{\rm{ - 17}}{{\rm{C}}_{\rm{1}}}{\rm{.}}{{\rm{7}}^{{\rm{16}}}}{\rm{.}}{{\rm{1}}^{\rm{1}}}.....{\rm{ + 17}}{{\rm{C}}_{{\rm{16}}}}{\rm{.}}{{\rm{7}}^{\rm{1}}}{\rm{.}}{{\rm{1}}^{{\rm{16}}}}{\rm{ - 17}}{{\rm{C}}_{{\rm{17}}}}{\rm{.}}{{\rm{1}}^{{\rm{17}}}}$

If we divide this expansion except the last term each term gives a remainder 0.  Last term gives a remainder of - 1.

Now From Fermat little theorem, ${\left[ {\displaystyle\frac{{{{\rm{a}}^{{\rm{p - 1}}}}}}{{\rm{p}}}} \right]_{{\rm{Rem}}}}{\rm{ = 1}}$
So ${\left[ {\displaystyle\frac{{{{17}^6}}}{7}} \right]_{{\rm{Rem}}}}{\rm{ = 1}}$

Adding these two remainders we get the final remainder = 0

15. In base 7, a number is written only using the digits 0, 1, 2, .....6.  The number 135 in base 7 is 1 x ${{7^2}}$ + 3 x 7 + 5 = 75 in base 10.  What is the sum of the base 7 numbers 1234 and 6543 in base 7.
A. 11101
B. 11110
C. 10111
D. 11011
Answer: B

In base 7 there is no 7.  So to write 7 we use 10.  for 8 we use 11...... for 13 we use 16, for 14 we use 20 and so on.
So from the column d, 4 + 3 = 7 = 10, we write 0 and 1 carried over.  now 1 + 3 + 4 = 8 = 11, then we write 1 and 1 carried over.  again 1 + 2 + 5 = 8 = 11 and so on

16. The sequence ${\rm{\{ }}{{\rm{A}}_{\rm{n}}}{\rm{\} }}$ is defined by ${{\rm{A}}_1}$ = 2 and ${{\rm{A}}_{{\rm{n + 1}}}}{\rm{ = }}{{\rm{A}}_{\rm{n}}}{\rm{ + 2n}}$ what is the value of ${{\rm{A}}_{100}}$
A. 9902
B. 9900
C. 10100
D. 9904
Answer: A
We know that ${{\rm{A}}_1}$ = 2 so ${{\rm{A}}_{\rm{2}}}{\rm{ = }}{{\rm{A}}_{{\rm{1 + 1}}}}{\rm{ = }}{{\rm{A}}_{\rm{1}}}{\rm{ + 2(1) = 4}}$
${{\rm{A}}_3}{\rm{ = }}{{\rm{A}}_{{\rm{2 + 1}}}}{\rm{ = }}{{\rm{A}}_2}{\rm{ + 2(2) = 8}}$
${{\rm{A}}_4}{\rm{ = }}{{\rm{A}}_{{\rm{3 + 1}}}}{\rm{ = }}{{\rm{A}}_3}{\rm{ + 2(3) = 14}}$
So the first few terms are 2, 4, 8, 14, 22, ......
The differences of the above terms are 2, 4, 6, 8, 10...
and the differences of differences are 2, 2, 2, 2.  all are equal.  so this series represents a quadratic equation.
Assume  ${{\rm{A}}_{\rm{n}}}$ = $a{n^2} + bn + c$
Now ${{\rm{A}}_1}$ = a + b + c = 2
${{\rm{A}}_2}$ = 4a + 2b + c = 4
${{\rm{A}}_3}$ = 9a + 3b + c = 8
Solving above equations we get a = 1, b = - 1 and C = 2
So substituting in ${{\rm{A}}_{\rm{n}}}$ = ${n^2} + bn + c$ = ${n^2} - n + 2$
Substitute 100 in the above equation we get 9902.

17.Find the number of rectangles from the adjoining figure (A square is also considered a rectangle)

A. 864
B. 3276
C. 1638
D. None

Answer: C

To form a rectangle we need two horizontal lines and two vertical lines.  Here there are 13 vertical lines and 7 horizontal lines.  The number of ways of selecting 2 lines from 13 vertical lines is $13{C_2}$ and the number of ways of selecting 2 lines from 7 horizontals is $7{C_2}$. So total rectangles = $7{C_2}x13{C_2}$

18. A, B, C and D go for a picnic.  When A stands on a weighing machine, B also climbs on, and the weight shown was 132 kg.  When B stands, C also climbs on, and the machine shows 130 kg.  Similarly the weight of C and D is found as 102 kg and that of B and D is 116 kg.  What is D's weight
A. 58kg
B. 78 kg
C. 44 kg
D. None
Answer : C

Given A + B = 132; B + C = 130; C + D = 102, B + D = 116
Eliminate B from 2nd and 4th equation and solving this equation and 3rd we get D value as 44.

19.  Roy is now 4 years older than Erik and half of that amount older than Iris.  If in 2 years, roy will be twice as old as Erik, then in 2 years what would be Roy's age multiplied by Iris's age?
A. 28

B. 48
C. 50
D. 52
Answer: 48

20. X, Y, X and W are integers.  The expression X - Y - Z is even and the expression Y - Z - W is odd.  If X is even what must be true?
A. W must be odd
B. Y - Z must be odd
C. W must be odd
D. Z must be odd
Answer: A or C (But go for C)

21.  Mr and Mrs Smith have invited 9 of their friends and their spouses for a party at the Waikiki Beach resort.  They stand for a group photograph.  If Mr Smith never stands next to Mrs Smith (as he says they are always together otherwise). How many ways the group can be arranged in a row for the photograph?
A. 20!
B. 19! + 18!
C. 18 x 19!
D. 2 x 19!
Answer: C

22.  In a rectanglular coordinate system, what is the area of a triangle whose vertices whose vertices have the coordinates (4,0), (6, 3) adn (6 , -3)
A. 6
B. 7
C. 7.5
D. 6.5
Answer: A

23. A drawer holds 4 red hats and 4 blue hats.  What is the probability of getting exactly three red hats or exactly three blue hats when taking out 4 hats randomly out of the drawer and immediately returning every hat to the drawer before taking out the next?
A. 1/2

B. 1/8
C. 1/4
D. 3/8
Answer: B

24. In how many ways can we distribute 10 identical looking pencils to 4 students so that each student gets at least one pencil?
A. 5040
B. 210
C. 84
D. None of these
Answer: C

25. The prime factorization of intezer N is A x A x B x C, where A, B and C are all distinct prine intezers.  How many factors does N have?
A. 12
B. 24
C. 4
D. 6
Answer: A

26. Tim and Elan are 90 km from each other.they start to move each other simultanously tim at speed 10 and elan 5 kmph. If every hour they double their speed what is the distance that Tim will pass until he meet Elan
A. 45
B. 60
C. 20
D. 80
Answer: B

27. A father purchases dress for his three daughter. The dresses are of same color but of different size .the dress is kept in dark room .What is the probability that all the three will not choose their own dress.
A.  2/3
B.  1/3
C.  1/6
D.  1/9
Answer: B

28. N is an integer and N>2, at most how many integers among N + 2, N + 3, N + 4, N + 5, N + 6,  and N + 7 are prime integers?
A. 1
B. 3
C. 2
D. 4
Answer: C

29. A turtle is crossing a field.  What is the total distance (in meters) passed by turtle? Consider the following two statements
(X) The average speed of the turtle is 2 meters per minute
(Y) Had the turtle walked 1 meter per minute faster than his average speed it would have finished 40 minutes earlier
A. Statement X alone is enough to get the answer
B. Both statements X and Y are needed to get the answer
C. Statement Y alone is enough to get the answer
D. Data inadequate
Answer: B

30. Given the following information, who is youngest?
C is younger than A; A is talled than B
C is older than B; C is younger than D
B is taller than C; A is older than D
A. D
B. B
C. C
D. A
Answer: B

31. If P(x) = ${\rm{a}}{{\rm{x}}^{\rm{4}}}{\rm{ + b}}{{\rm{x}}^{\rm{3}}}{\rm{ + c}}{{\rm{x}}^{\rm{2}}}{\rm{ + dx + e}}$ has roots at x = 1, 2, 3, 4 and P(0) = 48, what is P(5)
A. 48
B. 24
C. 0
D. 50
Answer: A


Round 1 ; Day 1 ; Aptitude

Type of College: Thiagarajar College of Engineering ,Madurai


Pattern: Totaly 30 questions only Quants and Reasoning . Majority of the questions kept varying student to student.

Time Limit;80 minutes

Negative Marking: 1/3

Expected interview call cutoff: 15

Simple quant questions - around 10

1.Areas : Average, Age, Time Speed Distance, Time and Work( 2 people working at a time independently), Percentage etc.

Most importantly all the answers were interim say if we get an answer in time and work question, that answer had to be used in an equation. The answer to the time and work question was not the final answer.

2.Geometrv - Circle properties. Line properties

3.Prime factors based question

4.Tenali Raman Flower type question. There is a garden with n flowers. A person picks 2 flowers on Monday, it is replaced by 5 flowers on Tuesday.On Tuesday he picks 3 flowers, it is replaced by 7 flowers, .._ Find the final number of flowers in the garden on Sunday.

5. 3 people in a family, all the 3 stand on the weighing machine then the weight  is = some number *variable, then 2 on the weighing machine then the weight is = some number + variable and then 1 person on the weighing machine then the weight is = some number + variable. Find each person’s Individual weight. All the measurements were given In a comparative mode.

6.Functions based question. F[n] = ..._ then F[l00]=?

7.Data Arrangement question with overall directions and 3 to 4 questions with directions and Inputs changing for each question.

8.Cubes with a.b.c what Is on the opposite side, diagram based

9. Cubes painted is with 2 colors. Cut and then painted and not painted faces.

10. Series question AP and GP based. Say a frog jumps x distance and In 2000 jumps It will cover-- - distance and then the AP/GP question

11. A$A=0

(A$B)$C = (A$B)+C


12. 1 person said one of us is lying

      2 person said two of us are lying

      3 person said three of us are lying

       5 person said all of us are lying

Who is saying the truth or who is lying?

13. Puzzles

14. Sudoku wIth 3 or 4 numbers given. The numbers to be found were marked

as x, y. Then there was an equation which had to be solved. The answer was

a 3 digIt number

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Tcs written exam :: 10-12th September , GUWAHATI

1. Find X^y+y^x=46. Find X and Y values?

2. 3 white chips, 7 blue chips, 16 green chips, 2 chips drawn from the box in succession what is the probability that one is blue and other is white?
a) 7/50 b) 8/30 c) 7/25 d) 20/26

3. If a person has to work 8 continuous day & he gets a rest on the 9th day. If a person starts on Monday. What is the day of 12th rest day?

4. How many liters of a 90% of concentrated acid needs to be mixed with a 75% solution of concentrated acid to get a 30 liter solution of 78% concentrated acid?
a) 8 b)9 c) 7 d)6

5. 3 cars A, B & C are in the race. A is twice as likely to win as B and B is thrice as likely to win as C. what is probability that B will win, if only one can win the race ?
a) ½ b) 2/5 c) 3/10 d) 1/10

6. A cow & Horse brought for Rs.2000. The cow is sold at a profit of 20% and the Horse is sold at a loss of 10%. Of The overall gain is Rs.40. The cost price of the cow is :
a) 700 b) 800 c) 1200 d) 1300

7. The sum of 3 consecutive numbers of the four numbers A, B, C, D are 4613,4961,5010,5099 then what is the largest number among A,B,C,D ?
a) 1948 b) 1463 c) 1601 d) 1550

8. George printing press can print an edition of newspapers in 12 hours while Paul’s press can print the same edition in 18 hours. What is the total no. of hours the press working together but independent of one another to print the same edition?
a) 15 b) 17.4 c) 7 d) 7.2

9. 87th number in the series 2, 10, 26, 50…….

10. 70, 54, 45, 41……. What is the next number in the given series?

11. If the sum of the numbers in each row column, diagonal are same then find the value of (Y+Z)

12. If the sum of the numbers in each row column, diagonal are same then find the value of (Y+Z)


13. In the simple subtraction problem Below , sum single digits (not necessarily distinct) are replace by letters , find the value of 7*A + 7*B +6*C*D
     A 7  C   2
-   4  B  6   8
    5  4   3   D
a) 77 b) 95 c) 84 d) 70

14. How many polynomial functions f of degree >=1 satisfy f(X2) = (f(X)) 2 =f (f(X)).
a) 1 b) 0 c) 2 d) more than 2

15. What is the remainder when 50! (50 factorial ) is divided by 16 ^ 15 (1615)
Answer is: 1

16. 1,5,6 ,25, 26,30,31, 125,126,130,131,150,151,155,156,…………………
What is the value of 30th term in the given series?
a) 781 b) 3125 c) 776 d) 780

17. The climb from foot to top of a hill 800 meters, Jack can climb at 16 meters per minute and rests for two minutes or 20meters per 2 minutes and rest for one minute. Paul can climb at 10 meters per one minute and rest for one minute or

16 meters per minute and rest for 2 minutes. If take has to reach the top in exactly two hours. What is the maximum number of rests that he can take?
a) 41 b) 42 c) 40 d) 43

18. If the 20th term of an AP=560 and 30th term of AP=840 then what is the sum of 5th term and 40th term of the series.
a) 1450 b) 1560 c) 1260 d) 1340

19. Raj tossed 3 dices and there results are noted down then what is the probability that raj gets 10?
a) 1/72 b) 1/9 c) 25/216 d)1/8

20. The diagonal of a square is twice the side of equilateral triangle the ratio of Area of the Triangle to the Area of Square is?
a) √3:8 b) √2:5 c) √3:6 d) √2:4

21. Apple costs L rupees per kilogram for first 30kgs and Q rupees per kilogram for each additional kilogram. If the price of 33 kilograms is 11.67and for 36kgs of Apples is 12.48 then the cost of first 10 kegs of Apples is
a) 3.50 b) 10.53 c) 1.17 d)2.8

22. 1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,…………………………………..
Then what is the 2532 position of the number in the sequence?
a) 2 b) 1c) 3 d) 4

Then what is the 2320 position of the number in the sequence?
b) 2 b) 1c) 3 d) 4

24. How many 7’s are there between 0 to 400?

25. The letters in the word ABUSER are permuted in all possible ways and arranged in alphabetical order then find the word at position 49 in the permuted alphabetical order?

26. The letters in the word TALION are permuted in all possible ways and arranged in alphabetical order then find the word at position 33 in the permuted alphabetical order?

27. The letters in the word SHOVEL are permuted in all possible ways and arranged in alphabetical order then find the word at position 31 in the permuted alphabetical order?

28. 15 students join a summer course. Every day 3 students are on duty after school to clean the class rooms. After the course, it was found that every pair of students has been on duty exactly once. How many days does the course last for?
a) 35 b) 45 c) 105 d)none of these

29. Consider all permutations (i.e., arrangements) of digits 1, 2&3. We will say that a hit has been scored if at least one digit occurs in its proper position in the permutation. If 1 (one) occurs in the first position or 2 in the second position or 3(three) in the 3rd position in how many ways of these permutations is a hit scored?
a) 4 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3

30. If the word MONOS is permuted then the probability that O’s never come together?

31. Next number in the given series 1, 7, 8, 49, 50, 56, 57, 343,
Recent Question Pattern of TCS Campus Placement 2013. It is the very first version we found.

The answers of these question is given at d bottom. And if there is any other questions let us know & if we have we’ll let you know.

1. An empty tankbe filled with aninlet pipe ‘A’ in 42 minutes. after 12 minutes an outlet pipe ‘B’ is opened which can empty the tank in 30 minutes. After 6 minutes another inlet pipe
‘C’ opened into the same tank, which can fill the tank in 35 minutes and the tank is filled find the time taken to fill the tank?

2. A boy wants to make cuboids of dimension 5m,6m & 7m from small cubes of .03m^3.Later he realized that he can make some cuboids by making it hollow.Then it takes some cubes less.What is the number of cubes to be removed

a)2000 b)5000 c)3000 d)7000

3. Leena cuts small cubes of 3 cubic cm each.She joined it to make a cuboid of length 10 cm,width 3cm, and depth 3 cm.How many more cubes does she need to make a perfect cube?

a)910 b)250 c)750 d)650

4. What is the distance between the z-intercept from x-intercept in the eqn ax+by+cz+d=0

5. 10 men and 10 women are there.They dance with each other.Is there possibility that two men are dance with same girl and vice versa?

a)22 b)20 c)10 d)none of these

6. A father purchases dress for his three daughter. The dresses are of same color but of different size .the dress is kept in dark room .What is the probability that all the three will not choose their own dress…

a) 2/3 b) 1/3 c) 1/6 d) 1/9

7. Mr and Mrs smith had invited 9 of their friend and their spouses for party at wiki beachresort.the stand for group photograph if mr smith never stand next to mrs smith then how many way group arrange in row.


8. Tim and Elan are 90 km from each other, they start to move each other simultaneously, Tim at speed 10 and Elan 5kmph, if every hour they double their speed what is the distance that Tim will pass until he meet Elan?



10. The age of two people is in the ratio 6:8. the sum of their ages is 77. after 2 years the ratio of their ages becomes 5:7. wat is their present age?

11. A Grocer bought 24 kg coffee beans at price X per kg. After a while one third of stock got spoiled so he sold the rest for $200 per kg and made a total profit of twice the cost. What must be the price of X?
$33 1/3 B. 66 2/3 C.44 4/9 D.50 1/3

12. Let exp(m,n) = m to the power n. If exp(10, m) = n exp(2, 2) where to and n are integers then n = ………………?

13. Bhanu spends 30% of his income on petrol on scooter. ? of the remaining on house rent and the balance on food. If he spends Rs.300 on petrol then what is the expenditure on house rent?

14. Directions for Q. 1 to Q. 5: Refer the data:

J, K, L, M and N collected stamps. They collected a total of 100 stamps. None of them collected less than 10.

No two among them collected the same number.

(i) 3 collected the same number as K and M together.

(ii) L collected 3 more than the cube of an integer

(iii) The no. collected by J was the square of an integer.

(iv) Total no. collected by K was either the square or cube of an integer.

1. The no. collected by J was:

(1) 27 (2) 49 (3) 36 (4) 64

2. The no. collected by K was:

(1) 16 (2) 27 (3) 25 (4) 36

3. The difference of numbers collected by L & M was:

(1) 3 (2) 2 (3) 5 (4) 9



16. How many kgs. of wheat costing Rs. 8 per kg must be mixed with 86 kg of rice costing Rs. 6.40 per kg so that 20% gain may be obtained by Belling the mixture at Rs. 7.20 per kg ?

17. The diagonal of a square is twice the side of equilateral triangle the ratio of Area of the Triangle to the Area of Square is?

a) √3:8 b) √2:5 c) √3:6 d) √2:4

18. Raj tossed 3 dices and there results are noted down then what is the probability that raj gets 10?

a) 1/72 b) 1/9 c) 25/216 d)1/8

19. 16 meters per minute and rest for 2 minutes. If take has to reach the top in exactly two hours. What is the maximum number of rests that he can take?

a) 41 b) 42 c) 40 d) 43

20. length of minute hand is 5.4 cm, area covered by this in 10 min is ?

a)50.97 b)57.23 c)55.45 d)59.14

21. The climb from foot to top of a hill 800 meters, Jack can climb at 16 meters per minute and rests for two minutes or 20meters per 2 minutes and rest for one minute. Paul can climb at 10 meters per one minute and rest for one minute or16 meters per minute and rest for 2 minutes. If take has to reach the top in exactly two hours. What is the maximum number of rests that he can take?

a) 41 b) 42 c) 40 d) 43

22. there r three buckets..of 8,5 n 3 litres…out of which only 8 ltr bucket is fully filled…u hv to fill exact 4-4 ltr liquid in 8 and 5 litre bucket by using only these buckets in minimm num of steps…..

23. A number has exactly 3 prime factors, 125 factors of this number are perfect squares and 27 factors of this number are perfect cubes. overall how many factors does the number have???

24. There are two boxes,one containing 39 red balls & the other containing 26 green are allowed to move the balls b/w the boxes so that when you choose a box random & a ball at random from the chosen box,the probability of getting a red ball is maximized.this maximum probability is

a)60 b)50 c)80 d)30

25. A dog taken four leaps for every five leaps of hare but three leaps of the dog is equal to four leaps of the hare. Compare speed?

26. The milk and water in two vessels A and B are in the ratio 4 : 3 and 2: 3 respectively. In what ratio, the liquids in both the vessels be mixed to obtain a new mixture in vessel C containing half milk and half water?

27. In what ratio must water be mixed with milk to gain 20 % by selling the mixture at cost price?

28. x=(sin nx/n)=?

29. How much water must be added to 60 litres of mixture of milk? 1 ½ litres of milk for Rs. 20. So as to have a mixture worth Rs.10⅔ a litre ?

30. Find the no of zeros in the product of 1^1*2^2*3^3*…..*49^49

31. N is an integers and N>2 at most how many integers among N+2,N+4,N+5,N+6 and N+7 are prime integers?

a) 1 ,b)3 ,c)2, d)4

32. The sequence {A(n)} is defined by A(1)=2 and A(n+1)=A(n)+2n. What is the value of A(100

33. n! has 13 zeros than wat is the higest and lowest value of n??


In SRM University .. the apti ques were totally different frm rest of other col gets nt even single ques of other col guys got ... don't depend on new pattern or old pattern ...prepare both ... so guys prepare well .....some of the ques dt was asked in SRW r....
1.f(n) is a function...where f(f(n))+f(n)=2n+3.
f(n)=0;find f(2012)
2.One man can do fill the truck in 9 min; how many truck can be filled in one and half hours when 16 men work together?
3.What is the probability of throwing 3 dices to get a sum of 10?

4.What s 1st of jan.. when it has 4 thursdays and 4 sundays in that month? six yrs, raj father's age is twice raj's age. before 2 yrs raj mother's age is twice as raj's age. raj age is 25 years ... 3 yrs from now.. wat is sum of raj's parents age?


will try to post other questions soon....ALL THE BEST GUYS TRY HARD SURE U LL..!!


Just came to know about new tcs pattern who attended tcs campus recruitment in sastra university(5th sept) ..dere r few changes in t patters… SU-DO-KU and puzzles added in t pattern…old pattern ll b about 30% nd the sudoku+puzzle for around 70%… negative marks for wrong answers.. tis time its not gonna b a timepass interview as like past 2 yrs for top coll… a new panel will b ter in which 3 HRs ll b ter.. 1 for personal details, 1 tech nd 1 HR interview al in one panel together..max al panels ll hav min 2 HR’s.. min interview time itself for around 15-30 min.. so just prepare wel guys.. nd pls start working on sudoku nd puzzles..

Enclosing the review of today’s TCS interview in SASTRA.
In one word. It is damn tricky :) Math lovers will love it.
Simply reading the problem will not work out for sure!!!

30 questions u need to answer in 80 minutes time.
Questions were asked in below stuffs:
1. Verbal (2-3 questions- quite easy)
2. Numerical.
Sums were looking like its too lengthy. And a bit tricky too!!!
Guys were feeling it too tough (In my word, its tricky). They had issues in time management as well.

One important thing: “Not even 1 question from TCS 70 pattern were asked”
I don want you guys to completely stress on 70 pattern questions. You can have a look at it though.

Out of 1800 students who wrote apps, only 400+ got selected!!!
Note: a total of 1000+ were recruited last time from sastra alone. see the change!!!!

Also in sastra, guys with 7.5 aggregate in UG, 10th and 12th had direct interview.
That does not mean all college will have it!!!!

I am collecting some questions for the same!!!

will keep you updated.
Cheers :)

Few tips TCS:

Aptitude: 30 questions 30 min with -ve marking.
Cut off arnd 15-16. Would suggest all, not to attempt all the questions.
Attempt arnd 20-24(max). Leave those questions which u r not sure about.
40% questions on Time and Work. 20% on permutation combination. 20%
on probability. Rest are just logical questions.

Technical: They will ask u to make a block diag for ur BE project and qu
estions on ur favourite subject.(They will ask u which is ur fav subject.(They asked me atleast)).

MR and HR: general questions. strengths and weaknesses. Family backgrnd etc. Abt ur self and all.

Note: Communication skills+ Fundamentals of ur branch + logical thinking =TCS


Tip –>

Guysss for apptitude test be prepared on questions based on time and work, logical and number system questions …. try attending aroung 12 to 15 correctly!!! den u can crack easily …. avoid dummy ques!!

HR round was so casual it was fun …. they wer very friendly … they actually accept u to speak smthg different …. for ex: if they ask u tell abt urself … don’t start saying like my name
is blah blah and my fathers mothers name … these all are nonsence in terms of dem … they accept the qualities and skills u hav in computers or prog wch would be useful for them ..hw intrested r u in prog … so start with ur name and den qualities and try telling abt from whom u got inspired and for the oly reason u are interested in IT and prog!! den try to ask ques to dem tht will impress a bit … be free don get tensed … u can crack easily!! :)

Stupid Biwi Joke
Achii aur buri biwi mein kya farq hai?
Answer: Kya matlab?
Biwiyaan achii bhi hoti hai kya?!

Biwi Vs. Sali Joke
Biwi aur saali main kon zyada achi hoti hai?
Answer: Saali behtar hai.
Kaash woh biwi ke bagair mil sakti.

Watch Vs. Wife Joke
Whats the diff btween Watch and Wife?
Ek kharaab hoti hai to band ho jaati hai aur
doosri kharab hoti hai to chaloo ho jati hai

Hindi Joke
Wife: Agar main mar jaun to tum kya karoge?
Husband: Shayad main mar jaunga.
Wife: Kyon?
Husband: Kabhi kabhi zyada kushi janleva hoti hai.

Biwi Hindi Joke
Ek aadmi apni biwi ka antim sanskar karke ghar ja raha tha.
Achanak bijli chamki, badal garje,
jor se barish start ho gayi.
Dukhi aadmi: Lagta hai pahunch gay!

Marriage Broker Joke
Marriage Broker: Tumhe kaisi biwi chahiye?
Man: Mujhe chand jaisi biwi chahiye,
jo raat ko aaye aur subha chali jaye!

Another Husband and Wife Hindi Joke
Husband wife ki godh mein leta hua thaa.
Wife: Kaisa lag raha hai ji?
Husband: Aise jaise Bhagwan Vishnu shesh naag ki Godh mein lete hon.

Husband, Wife and Beggar Joke
A beggar- ‘Oh sundari ! Andha hoon.
Sawa paanch rupya de de..
“Husband said 2 his wife- De de, tujhe
sundari bola hai to har haal mein andha hai…”

TV Vs. Biwi Joke in Hindi
Jitne channel Tv ke,
Utne nakhre Biwi ke,
Tv chalta hai remote se,
Biwi chalta hai Note se.

Wife Vs. Saali joke in Hindi
What is the difference between wife & saali?
Saali is Beauty,
Wife is duty,
Saali is passion,
Wife is tension,
Saali is patakha,
Wife is sayapa,
Saali is cool,
Wife is fool,
Saali is tuty-fruity,
Wife is qismat futi, Saali is fresh cake,
Wife is earth quake…

Hindi Wife - Begum Joke
Wife ko begum kyon kehte hai?
Ans: Kyonki shadi ke baad sare gum to husband
se hisse mein aate hai,
aur biwi Be-Gum ho jai Hai!!!

Hindi Husband Joke
Different roles of Man in life:
Sagai ke samay superman,
Shadi ke samay Gentleman,
10 saal baad watchman,
20 saal baad Doberman.

Who is Biwi Joke?
Biwi vo hoti hai jo,
Shaadi ke baad apne pati baad apne
pati kisari aadadto
kobadal deti hai,
aur baad me kehti hai ki,
"aap pehle jaise nahi rahe".

Shaadi Hindi Joke
Shadi ke pehle maine pyar kiya.
Shadi ke baad ye maine kya kiya?
Shadi ke pehle Dil to Pagal Hai.
Shadi ke baad dil to pahal tha!

"S" Hindi Joke
Hum ne zindagi ki shuruaaat 'S' se ki.
S se Suraj, S se Subah, S se Swagat, S se saaz, S se Sangeet.
Par Fir 'S' se Samay ne aisi karwat badli Ki 'S' se hamari Shadi ho gai.
Aur fir jeevan ka arth 'S' se Saans,
Sasural, Sala, Sali, Sasur aur 'Sankat' ho gaya.

Super Husband Wife Joke in Hindi
Sagai Hui... Shadi Hui...
Biwi Ghar Mein Aayi...
Ghar Swarg Ban Gaya...
Aur main "Swargwasi"...

Husband Vs. Wife Hindi Joke
Shaadi par wife boli:
Aaap mere prannath aur mein apke charno ki dasi.
Shaadi ke baad woh ho Gaya Charandas aur,
woh ho gayi prano ki pyaasi.

Poor Wife Joke
Wife: Shadi ke pehle to tum mujhe rof gift diya karte they,
ab kyun nahi dete?
Husband: Machhali pakdne ke baad bhi kya koi chara dalta hai!

Pati Patni Joke in Hindi
Patni: Kaash tum aise SMS hote jise
Main Zindagi bhar save karke rakhti!
Pati: Air kaash tum
aisi ringtone hoti jise
main har hafte badal sakta.

Hindi Stupid husband Joke
Wife: Main galti se khane ke saath rumal bhi kha gai
Husband: Konu baat nahi, apna bachcha aayega to "pagdi" pehan ke aayega!

Another Husband Vs. Wife Joke in Hindi
Husband apni Wife se (suhagraat ko):
Darling apna chand sa chehra to dikaho...
Chehra dekte hi husband bola:
Arey tumhare chehre par to kale dhabbe or gadde hai,
tumhare maa baap ne mujhe dhoka diya hai.
Wife: Darlin nayi khojo se chand ka yahi roop samne aaya hai.

Santa aur Wife Hindi Joke

Santa: tumhaari wife kyu hamesha gussa rahti hai?
Banta: maine galti se use bola tha ki "tum gusse main bhi bahut khoob lagti ho"

Santa Banta Jokes in Hindi

Santa: pappa agar main exam pass karunga to kya doge?
Pappa: ek cycle dilaadoonga
Santa: agar fail hua to?
Pappa: 10 cycle dilaaunga
Santa: woh kyu?
Pappa: padhaai bandh karke cycle shop khol lo

Santa: navy mein kaam hai. karoge?
Banta: zaroor. kya kaam hai?
Santa: jab ship beech samundar mein ruk jaata hai, to tumhe peeche se use dakhelnaa hai

Police: aapki car ki accident kaise hua?
Santa: woh to mujhe bhi pata nahi hai sir. tab main so rahaa tha?

Santa ne apna cellphone leke dentist ke pass gaya tha. kyu?
kyunki use check karna tha ke uske cell mein bluetooth hai ki nahi.

Doctor: bantaji, khaane baad neend ki goliya lee na aapne.
Banta: uff!! khaane ke baad zor se neend aa raha tha to maine goli lena bhool gaya

Santa Banta Funny Hindi Jokes

Santa ka ghoda kho gayaa tha aur waha bahut khush tha
Banta: arey, tumhaara ghoda kho gaya hai aur tum khush ho? jyu?
Santa: main is liye khush hoo ke jab vo kho gaya to main uske saath nahi tha. hota to main bhi kho jaata na!!!

Santa ki girlfriend: Ab hame jaldi shaadi kar leni chahiye.
Santa: achcha... lekin hame shaadi karega koun?

pappa: mummy kyu chup baithi hai?
santa: kuch nahi, mummy ne lipstick maangi thi, lekin maine fevistick de diya

Pappa: sunitha ko dekho, 1st class mein pass kee hai.
santa: haa, use dekhtaa rahaa to isiliye main fail ho gaya

Santa: waiter, ek coffee laana. kitna hai?
Waiter: 50 Rs.
Santa: saamnewaali dukhaan main to 50 ps hai
Waiter: woh xerox dukhaan hai sir

Santa Banta Hindi Jokes

Banta: Santa, itna udhaas kyu baita hai?
Santa: yaar betting mein maine 2000 gavaa diyaa :-(
Banta: kaise?
Santa: India pe 1000 rupaiye ka bet lagaaya tha aur India ne match haar gaya
Banta: lekin 2000 kaise?
Santa: aaj us match ka highlights daale. India pe ummeed rakh ke phir 1000 dala tha.

Beta: Papa, aap engineer kaise bane?
Santa: uske liye bahut dimaag ka zaroorat padta hai.
Beta: haa pata hai, isiliye mujhe samajh mein nahi aa rahaa hai ke aap kaise engineer bane?

Boss: tumhe MS office pata hai?
Santa: agar address denge to main doond looonga sir
Santa: pata hai, bachpan mein mujhe ek bus ne zor se dakka maar diya tha.
Banta: baap re, tu mar gaya ke bach gaya?
Santa: mujhe yaad nahi hai. main tab 4 saal ka tha